Sunday 14 April 2013


This is an indian theme painting done on a canvas board using poster paints. The face in the center is of "Durga" an Indian Goddess who is considered to be the mother of the universe and believed to be the power behind the work of creation, preservation, and destruction of the world. The four lotuses around her represent the lotus temple in india where everyone can go to worship regardless of their religion. People in india are strong believers of fate and "karma" and visit temples and try to bribe god into protecting them, or blessing them by making offerings.On either side of her is the holy indian cow a symbol of food and life. Vedic scripture dictates they should be treated “with the same respect as one’s mother.” All the components in the painting are tied together through belief in superstition and animism. Indians believe that Durga protects all her devotees from all evil. The evil eyes in the background,Durga's eye and the cows eyealso symbolize protection from the evil gaze of the one who who casts it. The "auto-rikshaw" on the top and bottom is considered to be the most common mode of public transport in India. Through them the message I'm trying to send is that people should not resort to idol or animal worship for protection and fulfillment of their wishes. Instead they should "move away" from all this and control their own future and fate, not look for the easy way out by depending on the "act of god" for everything. They should have faith in their own abilities to mould their future.

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